AAH Privacy Notice

Please review this Privacy Notice carefully to understand these terms and your rights and options.

Alliance Animal Health (“we” or “our”) takes your privacy seriously. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, protect, and process Personal Information we collect from or about you when you visit websites or use mobile apps we operate and control, communicate with us, or otherwise interact with us in your capacity as a consumer. We refer to these interactions collectively throughout this Privacy Policy as using our “Services.”

We provide this Privacy Policy to inform you of the types of information we collect when you use our Services, and how we use and disclose that information. Please review this Privacy Policy carefully to understand these terms and your rights and options. Unless we indicate otherwise, this Privacy Policy does not apply to veterinary clinics owned and operated by Alliance Animal Health or under the same umbrella as Alliance Animal Health. These clinics are referred to as “Partner Clinics” throughout this Privacy Policy. We encourage you to review the applicable Partner Clinic’s privacy policy when you visit their website.

This Privacy Policy is subject to change. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by means of a notice placed on our website prior to the change becoming effective and will update the date above accordingly. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy. By using our Services, you agree to the terms and conditions in the most updated Privacy Policy. 

Information We Collect

“Personal Information” is any information that could be used to identify you as an individual, either directly (for example, your name) or indirectly (such as an IP address or other unique identifier), or any other information that relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked to a particular individual or household.

Information You Provide

We collect Personal Information that you voluntarily provide to us or our Partner Clinics (or a third-party provider acting on our behalf), automatically when you visit our websites, and from other third parties. The categories of information we have collected from individuals in the last 12 months includes:

  • Identifiers, such as your name, contact information, address, telephone number, online identifiers, and demographic information such as date of birth and gender.
  • Commercial information, such as records of products or services purchased, billing details, and information about previous transactions.
  • Internet or other similar network activity, such as information about your interactions with our Services or advertisements.
  • Geolocation data, such as the physical location of you or your device that accesses our Services.
  • Inferences we derive from the information that we collect to create profiles reflecting the consumer’s preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes.
  • Information categories listed in state statutes, including information listed under by California Civil Code Section 1798.80, subdivision (e), such as name and contact information.
  • Social media profile information, when you share it with us or use it to contact us.
  • Device information and unique device identifiers, such as your IP address.
  • Preference information, including your communication, language and time zone preferences.
  • Information about your pet, such as their photograph, that may be used to or associated with you as the owner of the pet.
  • Any other Personal Data you choose to provide to us.
  • Any other Personal Data you consent to the collection of at the time of collection.

How We Use Your Personal Information

We process your Personal Information with your consent to perform our contractual obligations, to provide you with services you request from us, where it is in our legitimate interest to process such information, and where we have a legal obligation. Any of the Personal Information we collect about you may be used for the following business purposes, including to:

  • Provide you with Services, provide and operate our website, and support your business or engagement with us.
  • Communicate with you when you request information or assistance from us, and regarding services you purchase from us or information you request from us.
  • Market our products and services to you, allow our Partner Clinics to market their products and services to you, and understand the effectiveness of our marketing communications.
  • Provide information about upcoming events that may be of interest to you.
  • Invite you to participate in surveys or provide feedback to us about your experience in working with us.
  • Operate, improve, and enhance our business, products, and service offerings, and identify trends in our product and service offerings.
  • Personalize your experience when you interact with us, including on our website.
  • Ensure continuity of service to you if we sell, assign, or transfer part of our business or enter into a relationship with a successor or partner entity.
  • In connection with our legal obligations, including to comply with our contractual obligations, court orders and requests, subpoenas, regulatory obligations, to enforce our rights, to defend ourselves in litigation, and to detect, investigate, and prevent activities that may violate our policies or be fraudulent or illegal.
  • Any other purpose you consent to or instruct us to.

We may aggregate and de-identify the Personal Information in our database and create reports that do not personally identify any individuals. We may also combine Personal Information we receive from or about you from one source with Personal Information we receive from or about you from other sources, or across various interactions with you.

How We Disclose Your Personal Information

We disclose Personal Information we collect for a business purpose to the categories of third parties and for the purposes outlined below:

  • Corporate affiliates, including our parent company, to provide and maintain our Services and for administrative purposes.
  • Service providers, to perform functions on our behalf such as but not limited to appointment booking, website hosting, marketing automation, analytics, site optimization, and payment processing. There are limited circumstances in which the service provider collects data directly from you, in which case their privacy policies may also apply.
  • Social media platforms, when you choose to interact with us through social media features on our website. Such interactions typically allow the social media platforms to collect some information about you through cookies and similar tracking technologies they place on your device. In some cases, the social media platforms may recognize you through its cookies even when you do not interact with their application. Please visit the social media platform’s respective privacy policies to better understand their data collection practices and controls they make available to you.
  • If we sell all or part of our business, make a sale or transfer of assets, or are otherwise involved in a merger, restructuring or business transfer, including as part of the due diligence and transaction process.
  • Under applicable law, including laws outside your country of residence to comply with subpoenas and other legal processes.
  • To pursue available remedies or limit damages we may sustain.
  • To protect our operations.
  • To protect the rights, privacy, safety or property of us, you and others.
  • To enforce our website Terms of Use or other of our terms and conditions.
  • For any other purpose you direct us to, or consent to.

Cookies and Automatic Data Collection

“Cookies” are a feature of web browser software that allows web servers to recognize the computer used to access a website. They are small text files that are stored by a user’s web browser on the user’s hard drive. Cookies can remember what information a user accesses on one website to simplify subsequent interactions with that site by the same user or to use the information to streamline the user’s transactions on related websites. A number of cookies we use last only for the duration of your web session and expire when you close your browser. Other cookies last longer and are used to recognize your computer when you return to our website. Cookies are designed to make your online experience easier and more personalized. They can only be read by the server that placed them and are unable to execute any code or virus.

Web server logs are files that store the activity on a certain website.

How Do We Use Cookies?

We rely on partners to provide many features on our website using data collected through cookies and similar tracking technologies. We use cookies and similar tracking technologies for the following purposes:

  • Site Operations: Enabling features that are necessary for providing you the services on our website, such as managing your login session, tracking content views, and remembering your preferences in order to continually improve the website and better serve the needs of our users.
  • Analytics: Allowing us to understand how our Services are being used, track site performance, and make improvements.
  • Social Media: Enabling the sharing of content from our Services through social networking and other sites, including through third party pixels that allow us and social media companies to monitor your behavior on our website and across the Internet.
  • Targeted advertising: Allowing us to show content about us and our Services to website visitors and Internet users we believe may be interested in our content, and to personalize content to our website visitors and Internet users.

Specifically, for analytics providers, we use Google Analytics which is a web analytics service offered by Google. Google Analytics uses the data collected to track and monitor the use of our Site. Google Analytics shares this data with other Google services. Google may use the collected data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network.

Can I Opt-out?

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies. You can change your browser settings to notify you of the cookies being set or updated, and to block cookies. Please note that if you have turned off all cookies, some features of the Site may not be available to you or otherwise function as intended. To learn more about how to manage cookies on different types of browsers, you can visit the website www.allaboutcookies.org.

To prevent Google Analytics from using your information for analytics, you may install the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on by clicking here. For more information on the privacy practices of Google, please visit the Google Privacy & Terms web page: https://policies.google.com/privacy.

“Do Not Track” Browser Settings

We do not currently use technology that recognizes “do not track” signals from your web browser.

Links to Affiliate Sites

Our website contains hyperlinks or embedded links (“Links”) to our Partner Clinics who operate veterinary practices around the country. The Links are provided as a service to our users who are pet families of our Partner Clinics and users who may be interested in the services and practices of our Partner Clinics. We do not participate in the medical practices of any of our Partner Clinics, and they have sole autonomy as to how they provide medical care to their pet patients. We do, however, assist our Partner Clinics with the business side of their practices, and our assistance includes helping them design, launch, pilot and support their veterinary practice websites (“Partner Sites”) so they may best serve their patients and pet families. The terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy found on each of the Partner Sites governs and controls the type of Personal Information collected and how that Personal Information is used and shared. Once you have left our website this Privacy Policy no longer applies. As part of our role in assisting our Partner Clinics, after we have assisted them in launching their Partner Site, we may, from time to time, assist them in uploading content and generally supporting their Partner Site. We may, but are under no obligation to, review the content on those Partner Sites for accuracy, veracity, or reliability. Because we do not participate in any aspect of veterinary care, and may not regularly review content on Partner Sites, we are not responsible for any of the content, accuracy, or opinions expressed on any Partner Site. If you decide to leave our website and access a Partner Site, you are solely responsible for the type of Personal Information you choose to disclose through the Partner Site, and your consent to how your Personal Information is collected, used, and shared by the Partner Clinic. We are not responsible for the privacy policies applicable to Partner Sites and hereby disclaim all responsibility and liability for the content on and availability of any Partner Site.

Links to Third Party Sites

Our website contains Links to websites run and controlled by third parties (“Third Party Sites”). These Links are provided to users as a convenience and service to our users. Some Links may take you to Third Party Sites containing information that may be useful or of interest to you.

You may also click on the Links located on our “Career Opportunities” and “Student Opportunities” pages. Those Links will take you to a Third Party Site where you may review and apply for current employment and internship opportunities offered by our Partner Clinics. Please note that our Employee and Job Applicant privacy notice applies to information we collect from employees and job applicants. You may, at your sole option, apply for open employment or internship positions by completing the information fields on the Third Party Site. The Third Party Site uses applicant tracking software to collect your Personal Information and to process the application. We will be given access to your application and the Personal Information contained in that application, and we will provide your application to the appropriate Partner Clinic. We may also allow the Partner Clinic that is offering the job or internship position to access the application and the Personal Information contained in the application. Partner Clinics will not have access to application data for positions they are not offering.

We do not control the means by which your Personal Information is collected through the Third Party Site or the software used to collect it, nor do we control the security implemented by the third party that controls any Third Party Site. All Third Party Sites are operated independently from us. You understand and agree when you Link to any Third Party Site (whether for information or to apply for employment or an internship position) this Privacy Policy and the practices that we follow under this Privacy Policy will cease to apply. Rather, the privacy policy offered by the Third Party Site will apply to the Personal Information you provide through that Third Party Site. Please review the privacy policies listed on every Third Party Site that you visit.

We are not responsible for the content, accuracy, or opinions expressed on any Third Party Site or for the privacy practices of any third party. We will not, and are under no obligation to, investigate, monitor or check the Third Party Sites for accuracy or completeness, or for any obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic, indecent, profane, defamatory or unlawful content or materials. Inclusion of any Link to a Third Party Site does not imply approval or endorsement of the Third Party Site.

Information Retention and Security

We retain your Personal Information for the period necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) for which it was collected as outlined in this Privacy Policy, unless a longer retention period is required by law or is needed in order to fulfill our legal obligations.

We have put in place reasonable physical, electronic, technical, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure Personal Information from unauthorized use or disclosure. However, due to the open communication nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee that your Personal Information will be 100% secure, and free from accidental or unauthorized use, disclosure, or access.

Children Under the Age of 13

This website is provided for and targeted to adults and is not intended to be used by children under 13 years of age. Student externships are not offered to children. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of 13. If you believe we have been provided Personal Information from or about a child under 13, please contact us at the email below. If we have stored any such Personal Information in our database, we will delete it as soon as reasonably practicable after receiving notice from you.

Your Rights and Choices

If you would like to update or correct your Personal Information, you may do so by updating your information in the “Settings” feature of the Services.

In addition to the foregoing, depending on the jurisdiction in which you reside, you may have the following additional rights and choices regarding your Personal Information. While we use the term Personal Information throughout this Privacy Policy, we intend for this to include “personal information” where that is the term used under applicable law. If you have questions about whether you live in a jurisdiction that affords privacy rights, please contact us using one of the methods listed below.

Right to Request Access or Right to Know

You have the right to request that we disclose information to you about our collection and use of your Personal Information over the past 12 months. You have the right to request the following:

  • The categories of Personal Information we collected about you.
  • The specific pieces of Personal Information we collected about you.
  • The categories of sources for the Personal Information we collected about you.
  • The business or commercial purpose for collecting your Personal Information.
  • The categories of third parties with whom we have disclosed your Personal Information in the preceding 12 months.
  • The categories of Personal Information we sold or shared about you, and the categories of third parties to whom the Personal Information was sold or shared by category of Personal Information.

Once we receive and confirm your verifiable consumer request, we will provide you with the information you request unless an applicable exception applies.

Right to Portability

After you make a request to access or know your Personal Information, you have the right to request to obtain a copy of this information in a portable, readily usable format that allows you to transmit the information to another party, to the extent it is technically feasible. You may also have the right to request that we transfer your information to another organization, under certain circumstances.

Right to Deletion or Right to Erasure

You have the right to request that we delete any of the Personal Information that we collect or retain about you, subject to certain exceptions. After we receive and verify your request, we will delete (and direct any of our service providers that hold your Personal Information on our behalf to delete) your Personal Information from our records, unless an exception applies. We may deny your deletion request if retaining your Personal Information is necessary for us or our service providers, as permitted by law.

Right to Opt-Out of the Sale or Sharing of Personal Information, or the Use of Personal Information for Targeted Advertising

You have the right to opt-out of the sale or sharing of your Personal Information. Information about our practices that may constitute a “sale” or “sharing” of your Personal Information as defined by law are noted in the below section titled “Sale of Personal Information and Right to Opt-Out.” You may exercise your right to opt-out by following the instructions set forth in this section of this Privacy Policy titled “Exercising Your Rights,” or by utilizing the “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information” button on our website. Please note you may also need to update your preferences in the cookie consent tool on our website and apps in order to fully opt-out.

In some states, this right is known as the right to opt-out of the use of your personal data for the purposes of targeted advertising, the sale of personal data, or profiling in furtherance of certain decisions.

Right to Limit Certain Uses and Disclosures of your “Sensitive Personal Data”

You have the right to limit our use and disclosure of your “Sensitive Personal Data,” as that term is defined in applicable statutes, where we have collected it to use as necessary to perform the services or provide the goods reasonably expected by you, and as otherwise authorized by the statute and regulations. We believe we only use your Sensitive Personal Data in ways that you would reasonably expect are necessary to perform the services or to provide you with the Services you request. For details on how we use your Sensitive Personal Data, please review the information above. 

We do not “sell” or “share,” as those terms are defined, Sensitive Personal Data. 

Right to Correct Personal Information if the Information is Inaccurate

If you believe or discover that Personal Information we have collected about you is inaccurate, you may contact us to request that we correct and update the information so that it is accurate. Where applicable, you may also visit the “Settings” page of the website to update your information.

Right to Withdraw Consent

If you have previously consented to the use of your Personal Information for direct marketing or targeted marketing, you may withdraw your consent at any time.

Right to Restrict or Object to Processing

You may have the right to restrict certain processing of your Personal Information, or to object to certain processing of your Personal Information, including where our legal basis for the processing is your consent, where the processing involves Special Category Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information, or where it involves automated decision making technologies. This right is subject to certain restrictions.

Right to Appeal

If you are a resident of certain jurisdictions, you have the right to file an appeal with us if we deny your request to exercise your rights. Requests to appeal can be communicated through the same means by which your request was submitted. If we deny your appeal, you may have the right to appeal to your state regulator. We will provide you the information of the applicable regulator if we deny your appeal.

In addition to the above rights, you also have the right to:

  • Appoint an individual to exercise your rights on your behalf, or to exercise rights on behalf of your minor child, if we have collected their information
  • Access information about automated decision making (as applicable)
  • Opt-out of automated decision making (as applicable)
  • To not be discriminated against for exercising your rights

Exercising your Rights

If you believe you reside in a jurisdiction that affords broad consumer privacy rights to its residents and you wish to exercise any of the rights described above, please submit a request to us by one of the following methods:

800 Westchester Ave, #S-504
Rye Brook, NY 10573

Only you, or someone legally authorized to act on your behalf, may make a verifiable consumer request related to your Personal Information. You may also make a verifiable consumer request on behalf of your minor child.

You may only make a verifiable consumer request for access or data portability twice within a 12-month period. The verifiable consumer request must:

Provide sufficient information that allows us to reasonably verify you are the person about whom we collected Personal Information or an authorized representative.

Describe your request with sufficient detail that allows us to properly understand, evaluate, and respond to it.

We will take steps to verify your consumer request, including that you are the person making the request, or you have authority to make the request on behalf of the individual the request relates to. We cannot respond to your request or provide you with Personal Information if we cannot verify your identity or authority to make the request and confirm the Personal Information relates to you. Making a verifiable consumer request does not require you to create an account with us. We will only use Personal Information provided in a verifiable consumer request to verify the requestor’s identity or authority to make the request.

Response Timing and Format

We endeavor to respond to verifiable consumer requests within 45 days of receipt. If we require more time (up to 90 days), we will inform you of the reason and extension period in writing. We will deliver our written response by mail or electronically, at your option. Any disclosures we provide will only cover the 12-month period preceding the verifiable consumer request’s receipt. The response we provide will also explain the reasons we cannot comply with a request, if applicable. For data portability requests, we will select a format to provide your Personal Information that is readily useable and should allow you to transmit the information from one entity to another entity without hindrance.

We do not charge a fee to process or respond to your verifiable consumer request unless it is excessive, repetitive, or manifestly unfounded. If we determine that the request warrants a fee, we will tell you why we made that decision and provide you with a cost estimate before completing your request.


We will not discriminate against you for exercising any rights you have under applicable law. Unless permitted by applicable law, we will not:

  • Deny you goods or services.
  • Charge you different prices or rates for goods or services, including through granting discounts or other benefits, or imposing penalties.
  • Provide you a different level or quality of goods or services.
  • Suggest that you may receive a different price or rate for goods or services or a different level or quality of goods or services.

However, we may offer you certain financial incentives permitted by state law that can result in different prices, rates, or quality levels. Any permitted financial incentive we offer will reasonably relate to your Personal Information’s value and contain written terms that describe the program’s material aspects. Participation in a financial incentive program requires your prior opt in consent, which you may revoke at any time.

If you are visually impaired, have another disability or seek support in other language, you may access information regarding Your Rights and Choices by emailing [email protected] or calling 914-369-1500 .

Sales and Sharing of Personal Information, and Use of Personal Information for Targeted Advertising and Right to Opt-Out

We disclose or make available Personal Information to third parties in order to receive certain services or benefits from them, such as in connection with cookies that third parties we partner with may have collected on our website.

In the last 12 months, we have sold, shared or used for targeted advertising Personal Information including identifiers, commercial information, internet or similar network activity, inferences, and geolocation data, and we have sold or shared these categories of Personal Information with providers of advertising and analytics services, network advertisers, Partner Clinics, and partners who assist us with target audience creation. This sharing and disclosure is considered a “sale” or “sharing” of personal information for the purpose of targeted advertising under some state laws.

If you are a resident of certain jurisdictions, you have the right to opt-out of the sale of your Personal Information to third parties as described in the above section titled “Right to Opt-Out of the Sale or Sharing of Personal information or Use of Personal Information for Targeted Advertising.” To exercise the right to opt-out of the sale of your Personal Information, you (or your authorized representative) may submit a request as outlined in the section titled “Exercising Your Rights” or by using the “Do Not Sell or Share” link or button on our website. Please note that your right to opt-out does not apply to our sharing of Personal Information with service providers, with whom we work and who are required to use the Personal Data only on our behalf.

If you wish to authorize a third party to make a request on your behalf through an authorized representative, you must provide a valid power of attorney or comparable documentation of written permission from you and verification of your identity.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Privacy Policy related to our website, please feel free to contact us at the following email, telephone number or mailing address.

[email protected]

Toll Free: 914-369-1500


800 Westchester Ave, W#S-504
Rye Brook, NY 10573