AAH Employee Privacy Notice

Alliance Animal Health Employee And Job Applicant Privacy Notice

Alliance Animal Health (“AAH,” “we,” “us,” and “our”) values our employees and prospective employees, and your privacy is very important to us. This Employee and Job Applicant Privacy Notice (“Notice”) tells you how we collect, protect, and use any information we collect from or about our employees or prospective employees.

This Notice only applies to employees or prospective employees of AAH. If you interact with us outside of the employment capacity (including when you visit our website, purchase products from us, or visit one of our clinics), our general Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes the information we collect from you and how we use it, rather than this Notice.


This Notice applies to our processing of personal information of our employees and prospective employees. When we use the term “personal information” in this Notice, we mean information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular individual or household. This includes information, for example, such as your name, address, and device information that can reasonably be linked to you or your household, such as your IP address.

Information Collection

We collect and use various information about you in order to employ you or consider you for employment. We collect information from or about you when you provide it to us, automatically when you use our systems, and from third parties or other sources.

Information You Provide

AAH collects personal information from you when you provide it to us so that we can offer you employment or consider you for employment. The personal information we collect from you directly when you provide it to us, or when you interact with us, may include the following:

  • Contact information, including your name, email address, mailing or delivery address, and phone number
  • Profile information, including your photo, your nickname, and other information you provide for your employee profile
  • Bank account and financial information, in order to pay you for your employment and provide you with your retirement plan and other employee benefits
  • Information about your family members, medical preferences, and other information necessary to provide you and your family members with benefits
  • Tax verification documents, such as your social security card or number, passport, and your date of birth
  • Information about your performance in your role
  • Information about your past employment, criminal history, driving record, and other information and characteristics that may appear on a background check we conduct
  • Education, certification, and credential information
  • Equal Employment Opportunity information, such as your race, gender, ethnicity, veteran status, information about workplace accommodations and other disability information. This information be considered sensitive personal information under certain state laws
  • Your correspondence with us
  • Other information you voluntarily provide, or that you consent to provide at the time of disclosure

Information Automatically Collected

AAH automatically collects information about employees when you use our equipment and services. For example, all AAH-owned devices have certain security measures that scan and monitor your device (and collect information from your device) to alert us to potential cybersecurity attacks on your device. We also scan your device, including your AAH email account, to determine whether any sensitive or protected information is leaving the company, such as trade secrets and other proprietary or sensitive business information.

We also have physical surveillance, such as video cameras, on most of our premises to allow us to physically monitor our premises. As an employee who works on our premises, these video cameras automatically collect on an ongoing basis information about individuals who are on our premises, and accordingly, we may also collect sensory and other audio visual information from or about you when you are on our premises.

Information Collected from Other Sources

We may obtain information about you from other sources, including from publicly available sources and databases, and third parties such as recruiters, benefits providers, and other employees or references who provide feedback about your performance. The information we collect from other sources may include information about your current or past job performance, credential and education information, and background and credit check information, among other types of information.

Combination of Information

We may combine the personal information you provide to us with information from and about you that we automatically collect or that we receive from third parties. For example, we might add information to your employment file that we receive from your supervisor, or from a third-party recruiter if you apply for a job with our company through a recruiter. We do not combine information we receive from you as a visitor to our clinics, websites, or outside of your capacity as an employee or job applicant with information we receive from you as an employee or job applicant.

Non-Personal Information

We may collect and use information that is not personally identifiable, such as information that is aggregated, de-identified, or otherwise not personal in nature. We may also take personal information we have collected and de-identify it or compile it so that it is aggregated and no longer personally identifiable in nature. For example, we may aggregate information about employees or job applicants by age range, gender, or race and ethnicity to understand and promote equity and inclusion among our workforce.

Information Use

We use the information we collect about you for the following purposes:

  • To offer you employment
  • To consider you for employment, including promotions and other opportunities within AAH
  • To provide you with benefits, if and where you are eligible
  • To communicate with you, including by phone, email, and text message
  • To update your profile page and/or photo on our website
  • To facilitate education and training, including within and for our learning management system
  • To enforce our legal rights and comply with our legal obligations
  • As you otherwise direct us to
  • As you otherwise consent to at the time your information is collected

Information Disclosure

AAH may disclose the information we collect from and about you as follows:

  • To our service providers, vendors, and consultants, if the disclosure will enable them to perform a business, professional or technical support function for us. This includes benefit providers, SaaS providers, and other systems that support our ability to employ you or consider you for employment
  • As necessary if we believe that there has been a violation of AAH policy or of our rights or the rights of any third party
  • To respond to judicial process or provide information to law enforcement or regulatory agencies or in connection with an investigation on matters related to public safety, as permitted by law, to protect or enforce our rights, or otherwise as required by law
  • To our investors, owners, and others within the AAH organization
  • As described to you at the point of collection
  • As you otherwise direct us to or consent to at the time your information is collected

We may also disclose personal information to a buyer, potential buyer, or other successor to our business during negotiations of or in connection with a merger, sale of company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by another company. If this occurs, we will endeavor to ensure that the successor entity uses your personal information in accordance with this Notice or provides you with notice and a choice about future use of your personal information.

Data Security

AAH understands the importance of data security. We use reasonable and appropriate physical, administrative, and technical measures to safeguard the information we collect from and about you. While we make every effort to help ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of our security measures.

Data Retention

AAH will only retain your personal information for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the information was collected, in accordance with applicable laws and our data retention policies and practices. We will retain aggregated or de-identified information consistent with our data retention practices.

Disclosures of Personal information for a Business Purpose

We disclose personal information to third parties for business purposes, including to service providers, vendors, and consultants of AAH. When we disclose information to a service provider, we enter a contract that describes the purpose for our disclosure of personal information, and which requires the recipient to both keep the information confidential and not use it for any purpose other than providing services to AAH pursuant to the contract.

We disclose all the above categories of personal information that we have indicated we collect, as necessary, to the following categories of third parties:

  • Service providers, which we refer to as service providers, vendors, and consultants in this Notice. This includes organizations who conduct background checks on our behalf, SaaS platforms, and other service providers who assist us with our operations and communications.
  • Benefits providers.
  • Business partners and our investors.
  • Pursuant to court orders, in response to judicial process or to provide information to law enforcement or regulatory agencies or in connection with an investigation on matters related to public safety, as permitted by law, to protect or enforce our rights, or otherwise as required by law.

Sales and Sharing of Personal Information

AAH does not “sell” or “share,” as those terms are defined, personal information of employees or job applicants when employees and job applicants interact with us in an employment or prospective employment capacity. We do not use personal information collected in an employment capacity for targeted advertising.

Your Rights And Choices

Updating Your Information

Please note that at any time, you may access, update or correct the information you have provided to us. To access or correct your personal information, login to your employee or job applicant profile in Workforce Now (“WFN”) and update or correct your information. You may also contact the applicable AAH HR contact. Please ask your supervisor for the appropriate contact information if you are unsure.

In addition to the foregoing, if you are a California resident, you may have the following additional rights and choices regarding your personal information. While we use the term personal Information throughout this Notice, we intend for this to include “personal information” where that is the term used under applicable law. If you have questions about whether you live in a jurisdiction that affords privacy rights, please contact us using one of the methods listed below.

Rights Applicable to California Residents

Right to Request Access or Right to Know

You have the right to request that we disclose information to you about our collection and use of your personal information over the past 12 months. You have the right to request the following:

  • The categories of personal information we collected about you.
  • The specific pieces of personal information we collected about you.
  • The categories of sources for the personal information we collected about you.
  • The business or commercial purpose for collecting your personal information.
  • The categories of third parties with whom we have disclosed your personal information in the preceding 12 months.
  • The categories of personal information we sold or shared about you, and the categories of third parties to whom the personal information was sold or shared by category of personal information

Once we receive and confirm your verifiable consumer request, we will provide you with the information you request unless an applicable exception applies.

Right to Portability

As noted above, you have the right to request that we disclose information to you about our collection and use of your personal information over the past 12 months. When you request this information from us, you have the right to request a copy of this information in a portable, readily usable format that allows you to transmit the information to another party, to the extent it is technically feasible.

Right to Deletion

You have the right to request that we delete any of the personal information that we collect or retain about you, subject to certain exceptions. After we receive and verify your request, we will delete (and direct any of our service providers that hold your personal information on our behalf to delete) your personal information from our records, unless an exception applies. We may deny your deletion request if it is necessary for us or our service providers to retain your personal information, as permitted by law.

Right to Opt-Out of the Sale or Sharing of Personal information, or the Use of Personal Information for Targeted Advertising

You have the right to opt out of the sale or sharing of your personal information, as defined by law. We do not “Sell” or “Share” personal information related to our employees or job applicants. If you interact with us outside of your capacity as an employee and are a resident of a state that affords broad consumer privacy rights, you may exercise this right as outlined in our Privacy Policy.

In some states, this right is known as the right to opt-out of the use of your personal data for the purposes of targeted advertising, the sale of personal data, or profiling in furtherance of certain decisions.

Right to Limit Certain Uses and Disclosures of your “Sensitive Personal Information”

You have the right to limit our use and disclose of your “Sensitive Personal Information,” as that term is defined in the statutes, to use which is necessary to perform the services or provide the goods reasonably expected by you, and as otherwise authorized by the statute and regulations. We believe we only use your Sensitive Personal Information in ways that you would reasonably expect and as necessary to perform the services or to provide you with the goods you request. For details on how we use your Sensitive Personal Information, please see the “Information Collection” and “Information Use” sections of this Notice.

AAH does not “Sell” or “Share,” as those terms are defined, Sensitive Personal Information.

Right to Correct Information if the Information is Inaccurate

If you believe or discover that personal information, we have collected about you is inaccurate, you may contact us to request that we correct and update the information so that it is accurate. You may also be able to this action on your own in by logging into your ADP Workforce Now profile and updating or correcting your information.

Right to Restrict or Object to Processing

You may have the right to restrict certain processing of your personal information, or to object to certain processing of your personal information, including where our legal basis for the processing is your consent, where the processing involves Sensitive Personal Information, or where it involves automated decision-making technologies. This right is subject to certain restrictions.

In addition to the above rights, you also have the right to:

  • Appoint an individual to exercise your rights on your behalf
  • Access information about automated decision making (as applicable)
  • Opt-out of automated decision making (as applicable)
  • To not be discriminated against for exercising your rights

Exercising Your Rights

If you are a California resident and you wish to exercise any of the rights described above, please submit a request to us by one of the following methods:

  • Emailing us at [email protected]
  • Calling us, toll free, at 914-369-1500
  • Writing to us at:Alliance Animal Health
    800 Westchester Ave, S-504
    Rye Brook, NY 10573

You may appoint an agent to exercise your rights on your behalf.

If you make a request, we will take steps to verify your request, including that you are the person making the request, or that the person making the request on your behalf has your legal authority to make the request. Additionally, in order to verify your request, the request must include sufficient information that allows us to reasonably verify you are the person the personal information we have collected relates to (or you are authorized to act on that person’s behalf), and you must describe your request with sufficient detail that allows us to properly understand, evaluate, and respond to it. We will only use the information that you or your agent provide when making a request to respond to your request. We will endeavor to respond to all requests within 45 days. If we cannot respond within this time period, we will inform you of the reason and process your request within 90 total days. We do not charge a fee to process or respond to your request unless it is excessive, repetitive, or manifestly unfounded. If we determine that the request warrants a fee, we will tell you how we arrived at that decision and provide you with a cost estimate before fulfilling your request.

You may only make a request to exercise your right to access and right to portability twice within a 12-month period.

Revisions To This Privacy Notice

AAH reserves the right to modify or amend this Notice at any time. We will provide you with notice of changes to this Notice by updating the “Last Updated” date at the top of this Notice. We may also endeavor to provide you with direct notice of the changes, including by notification via email, particularly if the changes to this Notice are material.

Contact Us

If you have additional questions about this Notice or the rights you may have regarding your personal information, please contact us. You may contact us at any time at [email protected], by phone at 914-369-1500 or by writing to us at:

Alliance Animal Health
800 Westchester Ave, W#S-504
Rye Brook, NY 10573